I've recently ventured into the superb HBO series The Wire; i avoided doing so because shows that generate hype i tend to avoid before eventually falling in love with them; i can't really say why but i often think "nah they can't be that good." First it was Lost, then 24 and now The Wire.
There really is no point trying to explain the wire in a few short pars; its too complex, and there are just far too many characters.
Although everything about the series so far has been a joy, every season the writers seem to stick two fingers up to the audience and snatch some of the best characters from right under our eyes. First it was Di-angelo Barksdale; the much underused nephew of Avon; then there was the annoyingly early death of Bodie, who in my opinion had so much more to give to the show. Easily the most pointless and shocking death of the series was that of Omar Little; Omar was a man hell bent on revenge in season 5 and you could tell he wasn't going to survive; he was becoming careless and wandered around the terrifying streets of B'more. I was prepared for his death, and was convinced if he was going to go, he'd take as many people with him as possible, i was prepped for a Scarface style gunfight, where Omar took 14 bullets to the chest, but when i saw him killed by a small insignificant 12 year old while buying a pack of smokes i nearly threw my television out of the window!
That surely has to be one of the biggest f**k you's ever placed on screen. It'd be like Jack mauled to death by Vincent in Lost, or 24 season 7 starting with Jack killing Chloe because she stole one of his chips (hope that doesn't happen!)
RIP Omar! you will be missed.
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