Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Coleen's Real Women and Media Nepotism

After flicking around the tv schedule the rags to riches story that is Coleen Rooney jumped out at me. The first thought that came to me was, if Wayne Rooney the ubiquitous footballer had his own show Wayne's Real Men that would be the greatest piece of tv since well Coleen's real women. Whereas Coleen looks to make the "average" woman the catwalk queen, I feel Wayne's hunt for the next great shakespearan actor amongst home and away football fans could be gripping.

The question arises from Coleen's show - is what makes a woman attractive? In this episode she pits her "real women" against the professional models to decide who might have the chance to advertise magnum ice creams. First of all these "real woman" are all beautful women - how real the experiment is may be questionable, are magnum merely using the show for promotion, well of course they are.  However this show demonstrates something intersting. This show demonstrates the imporantance of opportunity.

Throughout the media industry who gets work and careers appears to be all about opportunity, who you know and who they know. 

Coleen for example, who it appears is natuaral on camera and as presenters go she is not at all bad. She has however got the job purely because of opportunity. She happened to grow up in the same area of Liverpool as part neanderthal part footballing genius. Wayne was fortunate to avoid any serious injury and sailed his way to the top of his profession. Coleen his long term girlfriend and now wife went along for the ride. As fame drew itself to Wayne so it did for Coleen, she slowly grew her profile by just existing. She seemingly developed an everywoman profile which appealed to a brethren and was enhanced by Wayne's indiscretions. In being Wayne Rooney's girlfriend and becoming famous she had opportunity thrust upon her from all angles. 
She comes from a poor background and with no familar legacy in media and has become a sucess. She is now passing this on to the "real women" in her show.

Nepotism is rampant in media, as represented by Richard and Jusy's erstwhile "doing it on my own" daughter Chole, who took up a job on their show on channel 4 and now as a reporter on their barely watched "new position". According to a report in the Daily Mail "ChloƩ claims she has the talent to succeed despite her name. She told BBC Breakfast: 'When it occurred to me that I wanted to go into TV, it was a proper decision because if I said yes the nepotism claims would start storming in."


She has the audacity to claim it is not nepotism but then  accepts jobs on her parent's shows. If we were in the same position we would surely all take every advantage of the opportunity we were given, it is a shame she cannot admit it herself.

I think everyone has an ability in some form to create a place for themselves in the media industry whether it be behind the scenes or infront of the camera, if given the chance. I have experience of this myself going for a job with virgin media television. Though I didn't get the job I asked about work experience, they told me that they rarely gave that out and if they did it was for relatives of those who already work there.

It remains to be seen whether Chole will make the most of the opportunity presented to her by her parents, if she doesn't no doubt Carol Vorderman's children will be waiting in the wings to seize their opportunity.

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