Sunday, 1 March 2009

Advert Anonymous

Ever get the feeling you've made a huge mistake? Duffy has, i think it probably came after she watched the world premier of her new Diet Coke ad, which, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the most nauseating two minutes i've had the pleasure of watching so far this year.


1) What is she wearing? The most unflattering outfit i've ever seen, did she pull this out of Kate Bosworth's wardrobe, a size zero she is not

2) What is wrong with her face? I've seen Duffy before but i've never noticed that she looks like a demented clown.

3) What is that noise? Apparently It's Duffy's voice; She has sold millions of albums and won Brit Awards a plenty, but this is ear bleeding stuff, a strangled cat is being far to kind.

4) Why is she riding a racing bike? It's ridiculous, whoever pitched this must have been on a bender with Amy Winehouse the night before.

5) Why does she ride through a supermarket? It's irrelevant.

Verdict: 0/10 - The worst, most pointless advert i've seen this year, and I'm surprised its come from a billion dollar company like coke... they should know better. Duffy should issue a full and frank public apology for this, and until i get one I'm not sure i'll drinking much coke.

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