1) What is she wearing? The most unflattering outfit i've ever seen, did she pull this out of Kate Bosworth's wardrobe, a size zero she is not
2) What is wrong with her face? I've seen Duffy before but i've never noticed that she looks like a demented clown.
3) What is that noise? Apparently It's Duffy's voice; She has sold millions of albums and won Brit Awards a plenty, but this is ear bleeding stuff, a strangled cat is being far to kind.
4) Why is she riding a racing bike? It's ridiculous, whoever pitched this must have been on a bender with Amy Winehouse the night before.
5) Why does she ride through a supermarket? It's irrelevant.
Verdict: 0/10 - The worst, most pointless advert i've seen this year, and I'm surprised its come from a billion dollar company like coke... they should know better. Duffy should issue a full and frank public apology for this, and until i get one I'm not sure i'll drinking much coke.
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