Dragons Den is a top Program. The combination of straight talking, frankly arrogant millionaires with sweaty cheap suited northern monkeys making a fool of themselves with terrible inventions is hard to beat. You know what they say... If it aint broke don't fix it.
Well the BBC have tried to fix it, ok so they haven't taken Dragons off the TV and a new series will be returning soon with exactly the same formula, but they have created a online only spin off which is as dull as four day old dishwater.
I watched about 15 minutes of the first episode and i knew exactly what i was dealing with, the dragons den formula with rotten production values and a couple of complete no marks as "Dragons."
It's kind of hard to explain why i don't like this show, its the same as the one i do like, but it had a CBBC feel, especially the grainy establishing shot of the "pitchers" in a lift. It was kind of like they were being held captive by a terrorist.
The first pitcher was a complete moron; his invention was a couple of wheels stuck to the bottom of a chair, so people with disabilities could "tuck themselves" under the table after sitting down. The only thing going for this was the word "disabled," everything else about the "invention" was a joke.
I would happily have paid the guy the full amount just to get out of my sight!
I guess if you've got half an hour spare, or your at a loose end this is a decent pithy filler, but otherwise its drab, and theres "bonus" content from Dominic Byrne (who the F is that?!) He looks and sounds like a bald Rufus Hound (that rhymes!) and he's even less funny (i know, hard to believe right.)
One to avoid... mainly.
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