Thursday, 27 November 2008

Dani Behr who cares

As the second of our so called celebrities departed the jungle of I'm a celeb get me out of here tonight, I am left with the thought.... are we all celebrities?

After all just take a look this years I'm a celeb line up. Brian Paddock - who hey he you may ask - that's right you guessed it - a former policeman and London mayoral candidate! He is then closely followed by 'professional WAGS' Nicola Mclean and Carly Zucker. The rest of the line up is a mish mash of ex actors - former boyband members and tv personallities who have been off our screens for long enough for us to forget them.

Celebrity and fame should be put upon people who actually achieve something! However I'm a celeb and it's commrades continue to promote celebrity culture in it's current form. This only serves to brainwash a nation in to believeing we are all able to achieve anything and that we deserve huge adulation and admiration for our great great talents that we don't have!

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