Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Jack Bauer taking names!!!!

If you are not following the U.S. schedule of television you should avert your eyes and wait until you have seen the latest episode on SkyOne on Monday 2nd of February.

The following takes place between 1.00pm and 2.00pm. We are already into the 6th episode of the excellent 7th season and we continue from the last episode where Jack Bauer shot the neck of FBI agent Renee Walker and then proceeded to bury her alive. For those worried this season was about Jack reinacting the stunts of David Blaine you can relax, it was merely to keep the trust of terroist facilitator David Emerson.

In the opening minutes of the episode 3rd and 4th members of Jack's A-Team Chloe and Bill came to Walker's rescue after being alerted to her location by Jack - when and how he did this is the mysteries of 24 we love, like how Jack never needs to go to the toilet. Alas Walker was safe and well and taken to the terrorist rendevous exchange. Meanwhile Jack and Tony failed to play it cool and Emerson finally came to his senses and realised that CTU wasn't a breeding ground for future domestic terrorists and pulled a gun on Tony. In a matter of seconds and skillful shooting Jack and Tony turned the tables and took control of the situation, ready to put their ambush plan into action. With the A-Team combined plus Walker they set about readying themselves for the Mutombo-Diamond exchange. Chole fits a tooth transmittor to Matobo and we are ready to go. Jack and Tony foil the attempts of Dubaku to gain the Matobo's and his Diamonds and their plan is working prefectly. At this stage we are all wondering who the FBI insider is, if it turns out to be Walker that would be retarded, it wouldn't make sense. More likely a possibility would be her boss or the creepy Milo wannabe Hillinger, who I have just realised plays recurring nutty art house Director Billy Walsh on Entourage.

Elsewhere in the episode I have an issue. For some reason it takes nearly 45 mins for the secret service agent to get around to finishing of the job of making it look like the First Gentlmen has partook in a murder suicide with his dead sons ex fiancee. What on earth was he doing in this episode???? Just admiring the view? well he paid for it in the end - the muscle relaxant wore off the worst secret service agent in history is possibly no more.

I hate the President, they have turned her into the perception of what a sexist mysogenoust would see. She is useless indecisive and fails to listen to advice, she has let her emotions take control of the situation. Added to this the actress has the most annoying voice in the history of 24 U.S. Presidents and is closely rivaling Sherry Palmer as my least favourite 24 woman.

She refuses to heed the warning of Dubaku and he crashes some planes - she still fails to act - leading the secretary for sefence to resign and leaving her Chief of Staff and the head of Homland security to plan behind her back a way of changing her mind with the use of her husband.

As she drags her feet Dubaku has chosen his next target and the poor victim is nowhereville Ohio. You can't blame Dubaku he has warned her numerous times. It is very clear that again Jack Bauer is going to get little help from the powers that be.

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