The episode catches us up with the Oceanic Six who have been, it is revealed, off Island for three years, and are still struggling with their various afflictions, when Ben demands they all return to the island or risk an incredible catastrophe. We see Hurley and Sayid team up to disastrous effects; and an unlikely pairing of Jack and Ben doesn't go a whole lot better; though disappointingly it leads to the shaving of Jacks infamous "junkie beard.'

Kate is still living a lie, looking after 'son' Aaron though one plot point for the future is revealed when lawyers demand she give a blood test causing her to baulk and leave home. Who is behind the law suit will surely drag on throughout this season (someone representing Claire?)
The real interesting stuff happens on the island; where Sawyer et al realise the effects of the islands move; they are now stuck within a series of 'Flashes' which transports them to various times in the islands history, or indeed, future. The writers now have infinity to play with, a clever move; expect to see the islands transported back to when the four toed statue is complete in the near future.
The episode certainly sets up the rest of the season nicely; and it was lovely to see a television heavy weight back in the fray; but i can't shake that feeling that it didn't quite have the 'punch' of previous season openers.

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