Lost continued at quick pace this week with the episode "Jughead;" like "The Lie" before it, Jughead actually moves the story forward alot more than most would expect of Lost. The biggest complaint i hear about the show from "non viewers" is that "nothing is ever revealed." In honesty that is rubbish; i have been suprised though, at the amount of secrets that are being revealed. In this episode alone we learn of Desmonds new born son (Named Charlie, though i thought Jughead might have been more appropriate) We learn that Charles Widmore was once on the Island as an other (interesting, but the reveal was slightly unremarkable) and most interestingly IMO we were told Widmore has funded Daniel Faradays research for most of his life.
I didn't quite grasp the implications of this; surely Faraday is unaware of the grander picture of Widmores plan; he seems far too aloof to be revealed as a 'villain.'
This episode was focussed totally on Desmond and the islanders, Jack, Kate, and the rest of the Oceanic Six didn't appear and the episode probably suffered for it. As much as i like the periphery characters their stories don't quite have the gravity of the familiar ones. Though i'd love to see more of Miles and Charlotte they've been dominated by Faraday so far this season, and i hope they are not ostracised or god forbid killed.
Desmonds story flowed along nicely and his pursuit of Faraday's mother came to an abrubt end at the end of the episode but we all know it won't end there, one for the future for sure.
The on island stuff was fine enough but the confrontation with "Jughead," a nuke from the 1950's was truly mundane; when the islanders were once again transported Charlotte had a severe hemorrhage (She needs a constant!) and left us wondering if she will survive (surely she will!)
This was one of them Lost episodes that moves the story along nicely; but doesn't pull up any trees in the excitement stakes. It has to be truly terrible for me not to like an episode of Lost so predictably i thought it was good.
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